Dear Friends and Family, An Early Good Morning to all of you! I pray all of you are well, loved, happy, healthy and safe. I am an inpatient in Mass General Hospital. I am in a hospital bed, in a hospital room and on a medical unit at MGH. I am being treated for an aggressive, painful and frightening bacterial pneumonia. This past Wednesday I had been rushed to the hospital, I woke up freezing and remained in a beyond freezing state until I arrived at MGH ER where the doctors began treatments for the pneumonia with both IV antibiotics and pill form antibiotics. I was so sick at home on that Wednesday. I had a high, high fever + my vital had gone to life threatening numbers. I knew I was deteriating rapidly. The nurse was called in the am. In the afternoon, the nurse did call. I told the nurse my vital signs' numbers how I was getting worse in rapid modes and how I was so and worsening at a fast pace This nurse's recommendation was to "Stay home and wait for the Tylenol...