
Showing posts from December, 2018


It’s not an illegal immigrant issue. It’s not a liberal issue. It’s not a conservative issue. It’s not a government issue. It’s not even a wall issue. It’s a people issue! People cannot communicate anymore. People, who are our public servants,   and I emphasize “public servants” are gambling our lives and the lives of others for their own benefit These government servants are not speaking for the benefit of all their constituents and are definitely not capable of compromising! People, like the President, the Senate and Congress get the best health coverage, paid vacations and live an extravagant lifestyle In other words, the “public servants” are living far better than most Americans! And my friends, we are paying for this extravagant lifestyle! The rich in this country own 95% of the wealth of this country. As it is said: “It’s not that the poor cannot be fed, it’s that the rich cannot be satisfied”. It’s similar, if not the same, as an addictio

4th DAY IN THE HOSPITAL 12-29-18

I have been in the hospital for 4 days. Problems are beginning to be resolved. Symptoms, the symptoms that brought me to the doors of the hospital, are not! I am sleeping most of the time. I am also getting medicine to help my cough, medicine to manage my other symptoms and breathing treatments. The hospital staff have been wonderful! Me, I am not the easiest to deal with when I am sick. You see, when I, like most people when they are sick, my emotions are all over the place. I get annoyed at doctors, especially when all of the doctors ask the same questions, over and over again I’m desperately trying to understand doctors and the mysterious aura about them! I am also taking steps to understand myself! I am determined to get better, with all of the no energy I have! I am giving the doctors and nurses needed information, including my symptoms and medical history to help in making a diagnosis and then, maybe, a cure! For me, there are more questions tha


I am an inpatient in the hospital where I go for my medical care. I have not been feeling well for some time. Last Friday night, a roller coaster of sickness launched. This roller coaster of symptoms carried me to my doctor’s office, then off to the Emergency Room and subsequently into the hospital. I have been wheezing, coughing, somewhat vomiting, diarrhea + my red blood cell dropped significantly. I have anemia, which is something new. The doctors are going to do more tests hoping to get answers of why my red blood cells count dropped so much and explanations for all the weirdness going on in my body. Needless to say, I have not been feeling well! Love, a sick but hopeful,              Evelyn (Pinto)             December 27, 2018


People aren't born hating another, they learn that. People aren't born hurting others, they learn that. We can also learn to love each other and care for one another! Learning to love our neighbors for our similarities, as well as accepting others for our differences is the beginning of growth and the realization of true wisdom! No one is completely self- sufficient, no one. We need each other! No one person is better than another because they may have more finances, in a higher status quo or is different politically. Neither should anyone be looked down upon because of their mental status, health issues, age, family, mobility, disability, vulnerabilities or religion. We are all of the same race: "The Human Race"! It’s this awareness that we depend on each other and we so need each other. It does not mean that anyone, or any establishment, should ever use another human being. Things are meant to be used, not people! In dark tim


Christmas. A celebration of the birth of Christ. This is a season of joy, love and celebration! It is also a time of stress, loneliness and confusion. Some worry over the importance of getting the right presents for particular people, spending more than your finances will allow and thus, many are thrown into a whirlwind of commercialism that society endorses. In these times of loneliness and this culture of commercialism, I think about Jesus. Then I pray! Jesus, God, who came to Earth feeling what it was to be totally human, like us, to save us is the purpose and reason of Christmas. I know that this society of Christmas commercialism is something that angers God. Being kind, loving and especially reaching out to others, especially spending time with the sick, the forgotten, the lonely, the distraught, the vulnerable and the troubled is, to me, the genuine and real meaning of Christmas! Reaching out and spending time, this Christmas, with others, especia