
Showing posts from September, 2013
5 minutes ago Good Evening Friends! I've been thinking: I've come to this conclusion that there are no bad days. Bad things happen some days. When we experience more than 1 painful, difficult time on the same day, we're very quick to call it a bad day!  We often call it this because painful, bad times in close intervals (like the same day) without time to breathe and rest in between. These times are so,so overwhelming! The next time that you think you're having one of those days, dress up for the weather and go outside! (If you can get out, imagine you're already outside). Feel the rays of the sun and it's brightness on your body. If it's raining smell the rain. Touch and taste a few raindrops. Get in on the conversation of the birds, squirrels, and other of nature's nearby occupants. Then..... Smile through these hard times. Smile through your difficulties and trials. We're serious through so much of our lives. I figure, if we can smi
Evelyn Pinto  shared a  link . 6 hours ago I want to write my story, my life. It's very important to me to write this book of my life. In my life's story are the stories of some special, amazing people. I have to write my book for me and also to tell stories of these people who no t only mean so much to me but, also changed my life. My story needs to be told. Their stories deserve to be told!. Evelyn Pinto
Evelyn Pinto 14 hours ago Good Morning Friends! Many people say yesterday's gone. Not really for me! Parts of yesterday I have stored safely in my head and my heart. I can draw from these memories when I have the need to remember some very special, meaningful times  in my life. Yes, in some ways, I have to let go. At the same time, I have to hold on. I have to be able to remember the smell of my father's cherry tobacco and see again the joy in his face when The Red Sox won baseball highest award in 2004. I have to remember the enormous love he had for myself, my mother and my brothers and sisters. Yes, I've learned to let go, in some ways. There are memories of many, many people I hold safely in my heart. They are gone from this Earth but, still alive in my head and heart! These special, special memories of many great times with people I loved give me comfort and also show to me how love survives through it all! Yes, today, I will move on, with my memories
Yesterday was a bad day for me but, yesterday's gone! Today holds promise, opportunity and hope! This hope gives me a chance to begin again, to hold fast and believe that things seems bad sometimes, life is not! I'm still me, 'a work in pro gress'. I'm still that same person, a person who is blessed by God over and over and over again. My bad days (for whatever reasons) cloud my thinking. I become reactive to the world around me, to people who I'd be better off just walking away from 'silently' and not let them occupy a place in my head. Yes, today is a brand new day! Today is going to be a wonderful day! Today is going to be filled with love, sunshine, smiles, laughter, fun and a peace that comes only from A Savior-My Savior! Today is also a time to give thanks to God for the good and the bad times for My Lord is with me through it all, walking (metaphorically speaking) with me every step of this journey of my life! God Is Wonderfully Amazing! Love
Good Morning Friends, Sparkles! I like that! Element! I like that! Doxology! It's meaning is singing praises to God, I love that! Today, I'm going to sing, sing with so much passion, love and enthusiasm that my voice will meet the sky. My voice might even reach Heaven. Though I really can't carry a tune, I love to sing, especially singing praises to God. I really, really love to sing! My very loud song of praise, love and joy will give honor to My Lord! Praise The Lord! Love and Prayers, Evelyn
Evelyn Pinto  shared  #TeenDistrict(; 's  photo . September 24 YUP!
Good Morning Friends! As I continue to get a older (and I hope wiser), I'm spending more and more time (much more than I like) under the care of doctors, nurses, etc, I've become to appreciate more little things like the sky at dawn and d usk,rainbows, the rain, thunderstorms, eating snowflakes, the love of my family, hugs, smiles, kind words and gestures and stuff like that. I begin to realize that these are really the big stuff. In these actions, I see God. It truly is 'A Wonderful Life'! May God Bless You All and May Today Bring You Smiles and Rainbows! Love and Prayers, Evelyn

A View of Medicine From An Empowered Healthcare Consumer

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday seemed like a bad day for a lot of people. It was also a crazy day! Nothing - Nothing went the way it should have been! People were on edge a lot. Tempers were short. Misinformation was communicated to people who had little choice but to 'go with it'. Things were said to people that they  shouldn't have said, a lot of times because things weren't right by them either. Today is a brand new day. Yesterday was yesterday! A lot of people had the same uncomfortable, hurtful experiences we did ! Learn from yesterday but, then also, just "Forget it! Let it go! I'm going to meet today with smiles, laughter, good words to everyone and express the love, a love I can give, to all! Have A Great Day Everyone! May God Bless You All, Always! Evelyn
I'm very fortunate in a lot of ways. I have a family who loves me. I attend a church that I look forward to go and worship there. There are people I love there. These people are people I take joy with worshiping My Lord with. The thing I mi ss out most with the people, people who mean the most to me is - Their Time! I have their Love but, I would love to have their time. This Quality Time would mean so very, very much to me. Love And Prayers, Evelyn
How I, and my two six year old nieces look through their eyes. Walking. Smiling. I like the way I look in their eyes! Evelyn
Today has been kind of a bad day. It's not because of any persons but, because how things are. It's scary looking at pain, sickness, and death in the face and then feeling the sickness and pain yourself. I've realized how vulnerable and helpless I really am in the schemes of things and in my own mortality. Then I feel how sick I am and how tired I have gotten. I know there is something in me, someone strong - Me - who has the strong will and this need to persevere through it all. I then realize that though I feel real sick and alone in this awful sickness, tomorrow I know, I'll be OK! Evelyn
I've looked pain, sickness and death inn the face and have felt so alone in it. I've felt this same sickness and pain and have felt so very much alone. I've experienced infections attacking my body, felt how sick the medicine that is supposed to make it disappear and I am just scared by all of it. I come to see in my mind things I don't ever want to face, face, especially, alone. My life, now filled with sickness and pain, gets even scarier. I then begin to just wonder. Then I begin to pray, pray for a better tomorrow. Evelyn
21 hours ago I know you are great with computers but, I did not grow up with computers.. Come to think of it, I didn't even grow up with cell phones I played being a Super Hero by tying a colorful towel to my back and flying. I pretended (and sometimes believed) I was flying! When I was out, I used something called a pay phone where a put a dime (when I was a child and a quarter, oh, whatever how much it was) and put the change into the pay phone, wherever it was. You see, my young friend, phone booths were almost everywhere and that's where we made a call when we were out - there was no cell phone! I probably have back pains from all the books I had to carry - Everywhere - for school . Imagine carrying All the books you needed to read everywhere you had to go! These were no desk computers or laptops and there were no kindles or anything to make the load lighter. I did have the most remarkable, amazing toy! It was called the "Outside!" Sunday was "The Lord&#
Is everyone taking their daily dose of gratitude and appreciation for what you do have? It's not a day to concentrate on what you don't have. Be content. Do strive to be a better person not a person who wants more and more. Look inside your heart not your desires. Give . Give especially, your time. Give Thanks To God! Love and prayers, Evelyn
Anyone want to fly to the sky with me. I must warn you all, I fly high, high enough to be wrapped in a white, really fluffy cloud. Maybe we can even swing on a star. Being an adult is sooo overrated! I do take on my adult responsibilities when I have to. Sometimes I just have to take advice from a 6 year old. Then, I can really live again (and have loads of fun in the process). Please, life is too, too serious a lot of times. People forget what really is important. Right now, imagining what could be is the first step it making that could be actually "BE!" Evelyn
I have this breathtaking view right outside my window. This tree,that now beautiful bursting with purple flowers will soon become decorated with red and orange Autumn leaves. Then, way too soon for me, it will be bare as the cold Winter blows her branches all over the yard. I think of my own life as I see my tree change the seasons of my life. This tree, like me, still stays strong through whatever Life seasons tosses at her! God Is Good All The Time!
Life is so precious to me yet, it can be taken away from me and/or anyone in a flash! I know I have to live today, live for the moment. I have to make this moment count. I don't want to waste this short time I ,and those I love have, being  angry, being hurt, well, just not feeling the best about myself or those I love. Life is too short for that. I want to love the world and everybody in it! I want sing, dance, laugh and do zany stuff! I want to see the sun rise and set. I want to see, smell and watch the rain. I want to watch thunder storms. I want to eat a dozen snowflakes. After I do all this, I will set another list of things I want to do. As long as I can still do this fun stuff AND thank God for it, I'm really, really living. Evelyn
Good Afternoon Friends! I'm still in the hospital, still being treating with antibiotics for an infection. The antibiotics are still being administered intravenously. I'm frustrated and feel boxen but there are good people who are working with me on my road to recovery. I'm physically not feeling great but in a good mood because 2 chaplains who work at the hospital brought a student with them and we talked and had a great time. we didn't talk much on a spiritual subject but just being with people who devoted some time with me helped me emotionally as well as spiritually. God Is Good All The Time!
Life is difficult at times! Sometimes it's so hard to do what I gotta do! I do it though! Why? I have to and I don't give up! It gets harder and harder to pick myself up when my when my heart is splattered in a zillion pieces, my body hurts so and I continue to struggle to get oxygen in. What do I do? First I pick up the zillion pieces of my heart. I dust them of and glue them together tightly. W hen they are all together I put my heart carefully back together. Then I get my body fixed so it won't hurt so much. Then I take the necessary steps so it won't hurt as much to breathe. Though these steps aren't permanent measures ,but I continue to hold onto the faith I have that things WILL get better. Then I bow my head and pray!