Dear Friends and Family, 

An Early Good Morning to all of you!

I pray all of you are well, loved, happy, healthy and safe.

I am an inpatient in Mass General Hospital.

I am in a hospital bed, in a hospital room and on a medical unit at MGH. 

I am being treated for an aggressive, painful and frightening bacterial pneumonia.

This past Wednesday I had been rushed to the hospital, I woke up freezing and remained in a beyond freezing state until I arrived at MGH ER where the doctors began treatments for the pneumonia with both IV antibiotics and pill form antibiotics. I was so sick at home on that Wednesday. I had a high, high fever + my vital had gone to life threatening numbers.

I knew I was deteriating rapidly. The nurse was called in the am. In the afternoon, the nurse did call.

I told the nurse my vital signs' numbers how I was getting worse in rapid modes and how I was so and worsening at a fast pace 

This nurse's recommendation was to "Stay home and wait for the Tylenol delivery!" 

I am alive because I did "not" follow this nurse's recommendations!

I am alive today because I knew I needed care immediately!

I am alive today because I took it upon myself to call the ambulance, knowing I had to get medical help ASAP!

I am alive today because of 2 brave EMT's, who both realized my sickness and my physical state was ife threatening and they knew what they had to do!

The EMT"s rushed me to the nearest Trauma Center which was at Mass Generation Hospital!

And, my dear friends because of the immediate care by those outst as ending EMTs and their quick actions to quickly get m me to trauma care, I am alive today I am alive today because of the "Greatness" , the "Power"  and  the " Grace of God"! 

Friends, do pray for me.

I am really, really sick this time.

I get worn easily, especially when I am mobile and/or become weak, exhausted and worn outjust by talking!

(Can you imagine that)?

My oxygen saturations have been dropping frequently and have other serious symptoms, and many wrongs inside my respiratory system and in my body that can use fixing.

I am hopeful!

I am faithful!

I am frightened!

To put into words how I feel inside:

I feel as though I am living in a chaotic, pained, hurting , frightened , scared and challenging body.

And this is where I am now:

I am searching for the "GOOD" and I am finding "GOOD"!

I am still inpatient at Mass General Hospital in one of their medical units.

From my hospital bed,

Love, Hope, Gratitude and Prayers,

Your friend,

Evelyn (Pinto)


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