
Showing posts from February, 2014

The Seasons of Lie!

It's been a long winter but, hold on everyone! Spring is March 20th. It's funny how the seasons are like Life. We go through hard times, the winter of our lives, and when we're about ready to collapse from these bad times, God sends Spring. It's not only good weather outside but, it's a time in our lives where we can rest. Healthwise it's a better time for me. It' s also a preparation, to me, the most meaningful holiday in the Christian tradition- Easter! Easter, as I look at it means total forgivenes of my sins by God and eternity with My Lord. Easter also means to me, another chance. I can examine my life and as much as I possibly can, start over and have a new life. It's a life where I can forgive and ask for forgiveness from those, even unintentionally, that I have wronged. It's where I can say "I'm sorry" to God and to those people in my life. It's The Spring Of My Life! To All, I send Love and Prayers, Evelyn

What Has God Planned For Me Today?

This morning I'm reminiscing but, just for a while because there's today to live. I wonder, still going through my memories of yesteryears, what God has planned for me this day? What surprises has He got in store for me? What wonders? What times will I have with my friends and family that eventually will make lastig memories? Oh, time takes my moments so swiftly  and I can enver go back and relive those moments. It's wonderful though, that at any time, I can look back and see those yesterdays in my head and in my heart. These memries will live with me - Forever! Thank you, God, for giving me those precious moments with the people I loved who are no longer here. Thank you ,also, God for giving me my family and my friends, who are here today and whom I love dearly. Please never have my take my loved ones and my time with them for granted . Thank You God For Life! Evelyn
A Happpy Valentine's Day To All! Muvh Love And Many Prayers Sent Your Way, Evelyn

Sokitude: My Time With God

Good Very, Early Morning ! !I haven't seen the stars in the night sky for a long time and it's quite black outside. It's a darkness , a quiet calmness here. There are no phones ringing and not many interactions with people. In this solitude, I find easier to be alone with myself and My God.  It's my time for me to pray! Evelyn
Friends, I want to say that my prayers are with ALL of you. I know many people, people whom  I love  and who  also mean a lot are going through some bad stuff.  Please,pray for these people who are very special to me!! They mean so, so,very much to me. If you have people in your life that are also going through through difficult times, I will join you in prayer for them. Let us pray for each other! Can you also pray for me, please? Thank you! Love, Peace, Prayers and Lots of Hugs, Evelyn