The Seasons of Lie!

It's been a long winter but, hold on everyone! Spring is March 20th. It's funny how the seasons are like Life. We go through hard times, the winter of our lives, and when we're about ready to collapse from these bad times, God sends Spring. It's not only good weather outside but, it's a time in our lives where we can rest. Healthwise it's a better time for me.
It's also a preparation, to me, the most meaningful holiday in the Christian tradition- Easter!
Easter, as I look at it means total forgivenes of my sins by God and eternity with My Lord. Easter also means to me, another chance. I can examine my life and as much as I possibly can, start over and have a new life. It's a life where I can forgive and ask for forgiveness from those, even unintentionally, that I have wronged. It's where I can say "I'm sorry" to God and to those people in my life.
It's The Spring Of My Life!
To All, I send Love and Prayers, Evelyn


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