It’s not an illegal immigrant issue. It’s not a liberal issue. It’s not a conservative issue. It’s not a government issue. It’s not even a wall issue. It’s a people issue! People cannot communicate anymore. People, who are our public servants, and I emphasize “public servants” are gambling our lives and the lives of others for their own benefit These government servants are not speaking for the benefit of all their constituents and are definitely not capable of compromising! People, like the President, the Senate and Congress get the best health coverage, paid vacations and live an extravagant lifestyle In other words, the “public servants” are living far better than most Americans! And my friends, we are paying for this extravagant lifestyle! The rich in this country own 95% of the wealth of this country. As it is said: “It’s not that the poor cannot be fed, it’s that the rich cannot be satisfied”. It’s similar, if not the same, as an addi...