To: Congress

You are working to serve the American citizens! 

You are not working in Congress to get rich, serve your own interest, serve the interests of any groups or any other government or another country, or the bidding of the rich and powerful or answer to your donors, a particular, candidate, friends, family and any/all other persons or groups!

American citizens place their trust in all of you who serve in Congress.

Do better!

Do better by every American!

Tell the Truth!

Tell the truth even if it's against your own interest or the interest of your political party!

Do not cause chaos!

Do not cause drama!

Congress is still a workplace!

Be considerate of your fellow colleagues, even if they are in a different political party or you disagree with any of your colleges! 

Be considerate!

Being considerate means:

Respecting others, especially your fellow colleagues! 

No swearing!

No throwing insults!

No throwing insults or cruel remarks at anyone, especially your colleagues! 

And absolutely no throwing insults at the President of the United States;

No insults, childish behavior and/or yelling or talking out loudly in a meeting or at a formal event!

Be honest!

Be honest to everyone!

Be honest in Congress!

Be honest to the acting President of the United States of America!

Be honest to your colleagues in Congress!

Be honest to your supporters!

Be honest to the media!

Be honest to the American people! 


Be polite!

Be respectful!

Your actions, as members of Congress, should be beyond reproach! 

American citizens should see their elected officials as placing the interests of the American people as the 1st priority! Congress, as an elected group of government officials should be respectful, honest and act as a trustworthy entity!

If any of the members of Congress cannot and will not behave like proper, working, capable, honest trustworthy, behaving adult, those misbehaving childish adults should never have the job as a member of Congress!

Everyone who is serving in Congress should have past the "Behaving Adult" test!

Be honest!

To any/all members of Congress:

If you do not have the evidence with you at the time of a vote, don't bring it up for a vote!

If you vote to impeach, you must have credible evidence to impeach at the same time it's brought up for the vote to impeach!

If anyone who is serving in Congress, the President, any who is serving in the United States government, any candidate who plans or hopes to serve in any and all aspects of the United States government: 

1) Commits a crime

2) Hurts anyone in any/all ways

3) Lies

4) Places others in danger by lies, false accusations, character assassination 

5) Entices others to do harm to any individual(s)

6) Creates chaos

7) Creates unsafe atmospheres

8) Calls a crowd to riot

9) Harm others

10) Causes imminent destruction 

11) Creates a pathways of destruction of harm and death to innocent people:

These people whether they be a president, former president an elected official, a 

candidate for a government office or any person or groups intices his cult like supporters to harm others, cause destruction, inject fear among the public, lies to government officials, lies to the American people, calls his/her/their supporters to destruction and to harm others, especially innocent and vulnerable people should be barred forever from ever holding government office!

The members of Congress has the responsibility

Every member of Congress that refuses that fundamental, basic and necessary responsibility should never have be in Congress. Members of Congress who are incapable and/or unwilling to measure up to this job of making those tough decisions which safeguard our Democracy!

It is the "absolute duty" of Congress to call out, identify and rid America of those who wish harm on America and whose intent is to destroy America in and our Democracy!

Congress, tell the truth, despite your political party and speak truth!

Truth always comes out!

Every member of Congress should always be truthful to their supporters, donors and, especially, to the American public, despite the cost to them as individuals and their political party!

Call out the truth!

Call out the lies!

Call out those people who speak the lies!

Duties of Congress 

1) Ensure that Adequate punishment is given to those groups and persons, especially those who serve in Congress and in any/all aspects of the United States government, that these perpetrators will be aggressively punished to the full extent of the law! 

The Duty of Congress is to ensure that those people who openly feed lies to the media, the public and place innocent people in danger by their words/and actions are never to serve in any/all aspects of the United States Government.

This should always be true despite political party beliefs, popularity anong the public, risk of your job, being threatened, favoring these people and group that cause harm and destruction, lack of support by donors, family friends and supporters!

Stop any/all outrageous manners of ridiculousness that would keep Congress and and other elected officials in the United States government from doing what is right, speak what is right!

Be honorable!

Do what is right!

Decide what is right!

Call out wrong! Call out the doers of wrong!

Punish to those who do wrong! Punish those that preach harmful and dangerous rhetoric and punish those individuals and groups to the gull extent of our laws! Those individuals and groups who make false accusations and whom create such atrocious scenarios that are fed openly to the public and place innocent people and vulnerable groups of persons 

in grave danger!

Criminal activity is given away by those disguised as government officials and candidates who whose intent is only to destroy our government, our country and our Democracy!

These criminals in disguise cater only to their own greed and lust for power as well as not being accountable for all of their crimes as well as a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card!

Those, whether they are elected officials serving in the United States government and other groups and individuals who 

endorse, support, speak for, donate to and allow criminal activity in our government should never be given any opportunity to serve in any and all aspects of the United States of America government!

Individuals, groups and anyone who instill fear to the public, create danger and place innocent to cause panic and fear for life among individuals as well as vulnerable groups of people!

People, innocent people have lived in feared because of the refusal to act by Congress, by the Supreme Court and the blatant actions of Congress, especially what is left of the Republican party and their refusal to

compromise as they kiss the butt of a man, a convicted felon, a bully, a cheat and a man without honor or conscience! Congress it's your absolute duty to punish those perpetrators and those people who allowed others powers horrendous acts of violence within our government , society and 

our country!

Evelyn Pinto 

June 30, 2024



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