It's amazing that when you have dreams of what you want your life to turn out and then "Poof", Life gets in the way. I may not have the life I dreamed of when I was 20 years old but, now, I've come to the realization that it just wasn't meant to be. I may not be up there in what society considers a va valuable person, but, society guidelines and standards don't make sense to me at all. If I fit society's rules, I know I would really be boring and just like everyone else wants to be, just like everyone else. I don;t understand how being like everyone else is a way of expressing a person's individuality. Never quite got that!
I am what I am supposed to be. I am the person that God made me out to be. I don't fit any standards. I don't go by any guidelines. It's hard for me to fit anywhere, anywhere.
It gets lonely at times because find it hard for me  to find common ground with people. Many people find me  to be difficult with also.
 It's sometime ok when I'm one to one with a person. It can, at times, a hopeless situation when I am in a group of people.
I'm try very hard though. We all are, in ways, are a work in progress!


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