Yesterday was a bad day for me but, yesterday's gone! Today holds promise, opportunity and hope! This hope gives me a chance to begin again, to hold fast and believe that things seems bad sometimes, life is not! I'm still me, 'a work in progress'. I'm still that same person, a person who is blessed by God over and over and over again.
My bad days (for whatever reasons) cloud my thinking. I become reactive to the world around me, to people who I'd be better off just walking away from 'silently' and not let them occupy a place in my head.
Yes, today is a brand new day! Today is going to be a wonderful day! Today is going to be filled with love, sunshine, smiles, laughter, fun and a peace that comes only from A Savior-My Savior!
Today is also a time to give thanks to God for the good and the bad times for My Lord is with me through it all, walking (metaphorically speaking) with me every step of this journey of my life!
God Is Wonderfully Amazing!
Love and Prayers, Evelyn


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