Good Morning Friends! Many people say yesterday's gone. Not really for me! Parts of yesterday I have stored safely in my head and my heart. I can draw from these memories when I have the need to remember some very special, meaningful times in my life. Yes, in some ways, I have to let go. At the same time, I have to hold on. I have to be able to remember the smell of my father's cherry tobacco and see again the joy in his face when The Red Sox won baseball highest award in 2004. I have to remember the enormous love he had for myself, my mother and my brothers and sisters.
Yes, I've learned to let go, in some ways. There are memories of many, many people I hold safely in my heart. They are gone from this Earth but, still alive in my head and heart! These special, special memories of many great times with people I loved give me comfort and also show to me how love survives through it all!
Yes, today, I will move on, with my memories but, I will still go forward. Today, I will show love for people. At the same time, today, it's nice to also be shown love!
Today, I want to give everyone love! I'm going to give the world lots of hugs and smiles. Even if there are trials, conflicts and difficult times today, I'm going to persevere through it all! The 'Best Of Me' is here, now, today!
It's A Good Life
Thank You, God, For Life!


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