THE SNOW STORM OF 2020 12-17-2020


The Snow Storm of 2020

2020 has been a difficult year!

There is, and has been most of this year, a pandemic raging.

The political climate has not been conducive for serving the people.

There is hope, my friends!

A new president has been elected and will be in office in January, 2021.

And, my dear friends, there are vaccines that will be available that could close the door on this pandemic.

My friends, there is a snow storm today!

The snow is piled up past my 1st floor window.

The roads are difficult to get through and our governor of Mass. has urged that everyone that could stay home, do stay home.

Adventurous me, who loves rain, thunder, lightning and even snow storms decided to bear the elements and go outside.

I, with my winter jacket tightly zipped and boots on, traveled through the front of the building in which I live.

My friends, these pictures illustrate what I saw.

The snow, fluffy, white and wet, itched my nose as this white stuff decorated my coat and hat!

The only thing that I regret not doing is I didn’t make snow angels this time.

I hope to make snow angels the next time I travel through the snow.

My friends, be well and be safe!

Love and prayers,

Evelyn Pinto

December 17, 2020


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