
Showing posts from October, 2018


A Letter From Evelyn Dear Friends and Family, Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and birthday wishes! I very much appreciate them and I am very grateful to each one of you! This birthday I have been sick. My pulmonary physician has placed me on 2 different antibiotics, 1 for a lung infection and the other for an infection in my leg. I know things could be worse. I could (almost was) could be an inpatient in the hospital. So, now, dear friends, I am recovering at home. Being sick really exhausts you and, also, takes your strength away. It doesnā€™t fit my somewhat active lifestyle at all! Well, I go on and I will work to get better, hopefully soon and I will "pray"! Have an awesome day, my friends! Build a day that will give glory to God! Help others, whenever possible and live, really live, each day to the fullest! Love and prayers, A sick but, blessed, Evelyn Pinto October 27, 2018 ...


Today is my birthday ! Thinking over my life, Iā€™m perplexed and grateful to God that Iā€™ve come this far. I could not have made it without a loving and forgiving God who gave me the strength, courage and will to go on. The relationships in my life of family, friends and church have carried me through also. Thinking back to my childhood, my mother and my father have made a pronounced impact on my life. My sisters and brothers, through my childhood, have made a lasting impression in my life. We stuck together as children. I wonder what would have happened if we had continued our togetherness through our personal lives. I think of this when I become fixated in those times when thoughts and memories of my brother, John, ride across my mind. I would have loved to have been closer to my brother, John, in those early days. I have recollections of each of us going through our own personal hell, feeling so alone. I recall that these hells was not of our own maki...


                     IN THE ARMS OF GOD                                    by Evelyn Pinto Sometimes God leaves me on a path. I may not know where. It may not be where I want to go but, I trust God, knowing that He will always take care of me. This does not mean I'm going to just sit back and be a victim of circumstance. No, certainly not! God made me the person I am. As this person, I am still his "Work In Progress!" I trust God and will always ask my Lord's guidance, protection and safety. I will ask Him for these and everything in prayer. You know something? In this tilt-a-whirl of life, I know I'll be ok. I know this because I am in the Arms of God! Wherever I go from here, home or somewhere else, I know that' it's where God needs me to be. And that, my friends, is where I...


     ā€œThe Turkey at the Hospitalā€ I was at the hospital yesterday for 2 medical tests and an appointment with my pulmonary physician. I also had to take care of other paraphernalia while as I was still at the hospital I go for my medical care. Totally exhausted, I was waiting for my ride to go home. There seemed to be a lot of commotion going on in the hospital lobby on that late afternoon in October. Just then, I heard a loud gurgling sound. The noise was so loud, I couldnā€™t tell if it was coming from inside the hospital lobby or outside. Just as I glanced outside that hospital lobby window, my eyes became fixated on a large turkey moving about just as if he owned the hospital. The turkey walked up and down outside the hospital lobby, not in the least concerned about all the people around him. This turkey was still outside the hospital lobby as I left on my ride to go home. I wondered; ā€œBeing so close to Thanksgiving, was this ...


Consumer Voice: My essay was published! I was awarded a certificate and letter for an essay that was published online. I feel so proud that my writing was acknowledged and rewarded. Thank you Consumer Voice! Evelyn Pinto October 8, 2018


                                    EVELYNā€™S IDEA #I, I dream it. #2, I draw up everything in me to believe I can do it. #3, I imagine utmost ways that it can be done. #4, I figure out the finest way to do it. #5, I figure how to do it effectively. #6, I work tirelessly and endlessly to get it done. #7, Finally, it is done! First, it was a dream of mine. With imagination, planning, persistence, hard work and with a strong will to never give up, the dream has emerged into a reality! If my accomplishments don't fit yours or society's views of what accomplishments, well then, change yours and society's views of accomplishments!               Evelyn Pinto              October 8, 2018    ...


Dear Friends, There is fear in many of us. There is the fear of losing everything. The fear of others compounds our complex minds. The fear of losing those closed to us scares us to no end. Then, because of the stature of our world today, the political climate of the world and also some social media sights, we are constantly reminded that we can possibly be shot at and/or blown up. The fear of our own mortality brings the question to light: ā€œWhere do I go when I die?ā€ My friends, living in fear is detrimental to our health and our entire being. I'm not saying donā€™t be cautious. Yes we should take steps to prevent accidents and to protect ourselves and those we love. Fear, though, can overtake our lives when we don't feel safe in our homes, in church or in our lives. When fear interferes in what we do (or donā€™t do) every day, we cannot enjoy the opportunity to work, quality times with our family and friends and even the blessings that are given by God. ...


I would like to explain an issue. Some people think that people who are on government programs are too lazy to work. From my vast experience of being a person who lives with several medical and mobility problems, I need these government programs to live. The people I am in contact with, who also may live with medical and mobility issues, desperately need these government programs as well. I have not, in my life, seen any abuse by anyone of government programs! I see the overall need for more government programs that will help more people. I, like so many others, would love the opportunity to work but, physically can't! I, as well as other people, live with chronic, physical health conditions that not only prevent me from working but, stop me doing many activities that I would love to be involved in. I do not have the physical stamina, due to serious life threatening health conditions, to hold any kind of stable employment. This is also true for many, many ...


I call this painting I created "FALL EXPLOSION"! I don't think I have a lot of talent for painting but, I do try a lot at different scopes of creativity. I think Fall does have a way of exploding on us with color and beauty. How do you like my attempt at creating a painting with a Fall theme? Have A Blessed Day! Please, "Be Kind". Love,        Evelyn (Pinto)       October 6, 2018