Yesterday was my Birthday!

Though birthdays are generally happy occasions, I felt lost and sad.

To explain, my precious mother, whom I love dearly and abundantly, is fighting for her life in a hospital.

I visit my mother when I am able to but, it is difficult.

It feel like a cutting blade severing every part of my insides, seeing what my dear mother is going through. I feel sadness and helplessness.

My sister, whom has been a + support now cannot be.

My sister is fighting lung cancer and is going through chemotherapy and radiation.

Other family members have health challenges that take up much of their time and energy.

Yesterday was my birthday and though I was experiencing pain, sadness and loneliness, my friends came through for me.

My friend, Linda who has the same birthday as me, refused to allow me to dwell on such troubling issues.

Linda, me and some of my friends at the VNA Assisted Living on Alewife Brook Parkway in Somerville, Mass. celebrated our Birthdays with us!

Yes, we celebrated in grand fashion!

1st, we had what we called our Birthday Breakfast, eating what we wanted and forgetting what we shouldn’t have been eating.

We both exchanged Birthday cards and gifts in a manner that was loving, kind and supportive.

Linda and I celebrated our special day throughout the morning and afternoon.

It gave me a warm feeling knowing there were friends that loved me and I could depend on for support. I love them and they know that they can always depend on me.

At the end of the day, was an extraordinary surprise, the children came.

Monica brought her 5 children to spend time with me.

There were Lucia, Joseph, Therese, Miriam and Grace.

My friends, time with the children was simply amazing!

These were some of the children I taught from the Catholic Church who came to VNA so we could also be a part in the Celebration of the Mass. I taught the children so others could partake of the Mass.

As the children left, and my Birthday came to a close, I closed my eyes, bowed my head and gave thanks to God for life and for placing all these wonderful people into my Life.

With sincerity, love and with a grateful heart

Evelyn Pinto





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