WORDS 2-12-17

Words uttered by others can be encouraging or damaging.
An incident happened to me in which words were thrown at me in a judgmental, cruel way.
Maybe the person had the intention of reasoning with me.
Maybe she meant to explain an issue to me from her point of view.
Her choice of words sounded more like self-righteous judgements that when she tossed them at me, in effect, I felt degraded, humiliated and hurt.
Please use care when talking to people.
You may think you have the right to humiliate, scold, correct or even tell a person what you think, from your limited and biased stand point.
You do not have that right!
If you have nothing to do with a situation or don’t truly know what is going on, do not feel the need to get involved.
Don’t feel the unjust need to correct, or scold someone, that does not need correcting or scolding from you, especially by tearing him or her down, costing them their pride and dignity.
Words can do much harm.
Words can also be a source of encouragement, strength, happiness and love.
Please, be careful how you talk to your fellow human being.
Whatever you may do in life and wherever you are: “Choose to use words of kindness and encouragement to everyone.”
This quote is appropriate:  “If you can’t help me, don’t hurt me!”
With sincerity, love, prayers and forgiveness,
                    Evelyn Pinto
                   February 12, 2017


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