My Doctor Said "Don't fight the System, don't even try!" "You can't win!"
I'm Me, an idealist! I am going to fight the System!
I do see wrong in life and I am tired of living where there is so much wrong and many people just accept it as the way it is. They settle!
I see wrong and say “WHY?” Why should I live in a wrong just because “That’s the way it is! “I’m grateful for much, yes but,, I don’t mix gratitude with acknowledging there, also is some wrong! I don’t mix gratitude with trying to fix with wrong. I do acknowledge and give thanks for the good parts of life. In my opinion, there is more good than bad. (I know the news media would not agree with that)!
I want to make life better! Where people need, I want to see available. This need could be from food ad water, adequate healthcare., places where people can live and are comfortable there enough to call it “Home”,
If a person needs and there is just a rule in a insurance agency from getting that necessity, that rule, in that instance should be broken immediately! No reasons, no discussion should be given , There’s a person (s) in need! I see nothing wrong with developing strategies’ to have the(se) nonsense rule(s) broken! ”
I see right, I’m grateful!
I see the same wrong happen over and over and accepted as “the way it is 'I’M ANGRY!!
Evelyn Pinto
June 5, 2014


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