Ballroom Dancing With Michael
We are having Ballroom dancing lessons at the assisted living where I live today.
Ballroom dancing is, and always was, a part of me.
I love dancing with Michael, as he gently glides me through ballroom dance moves, on the floor of our community room.
I, and my fellow residents, at the assisted living, look forward, with great anticipation, to our monthly ballroom dance lesson.
This activity gives us the freedom to break our bonds with mobility and get up and dance as we challenge gravity.
Michael, our Ballroom dance instructor, is patient with us, as he not only instructs us, but takes us up and helps us though dancing, learn different ballroom dance techniques.
Michael, a kind and compassionate instructor, knows all our names, which impresses me a great deal.
Michael, takes my hand, as I hold onto him for support, and we glide through the dance floor.
I, having mobility issues, like most of us who come to Ballroom dance instructions here, feel like I’m flying as Michael and I do a waltz together.
Yes, this is such great fun for me and for all of us residents who attend our Ballroom dance lessons with Michael.
Ballroom dancing with Michael not only frees me from my mobility device, but, takes me, and most of us, back to another, earlier time in our lives, where Ballroom dance was a part of our social life.
Ballroom dancing with Michael is an activity I totally enjoy and love!
                         Evelyn Pinto
                        December 9, 2016


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