Pain; it’s a frequent companion of
The weather is humid, rainy and a raw
kind cold.
The weather tends to affect my pain’s
intensity, frequency and severity.
Today my pain is so intense and at a
high degree of severity.
My respiratory condition(s) also tend
to be worse at this time.
When a person (me) has difficulty
breathing, Life is frightening!
Plus, my dear friends, it’s “Allergy Season”!
Allergy season is difficult for
anyone suffering from allergies.
For people with respiratory illness
in the allergy season, Life becomes an alarming kind of frightening!
It has been a day where I’ve recluse
into my apt and have avoided the human beings, namely people!
Yes, my friends, today has brought
with it pain, sickness and fear.
Before I throw in the towel, I will
see some goodness in this day.
I will see the goodness in people and
the world.
I am amazed over the innocent love of
I am awed over the concern and
generosity of friends!
I am thrilled that I have people that
care about me and love me, despite my faults!
I discover that today has “not” been
a terrible day.
Yes, awful things did happen today.
Also, really nice things happened
The sun rose today, despite the
difficulties last night.
The sun will set tonight but, what’s
amazing is, it will rise again tomorrow.
This is because God loves us humans
and gives us “Hope”.
God gives us a new day with fresh opportunities
to forgive, start over, love and a lot more!
God: “How Great Thou Art!”
With sincerity, love, peace and hope,
Evelyn Pinto
May 1, 2017
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