Sometimes, you reach a point when you have no other recourse but, to give in and surrender.
This does not mean I will give up. Never!
Yesterday, I surrendered everything to God.
Yesterday, as I put my ultimate trust in God.
Yesterday, I arrived at the hospital's Emergency Department.
It is 2 pm,  the next day and I am on a medical telemetry unit at the hospital, resting as comfortably as my medical conditions will allow me to.
Today, as I had put my entire being into the arms of God, I am, also, putting my trust in the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and all those caring for me at the hospital, where I am medically treated.
Yesterday, I arrived at the hospital's Emergency Department.
I had been having trouble breathing, with wheezing, coughing and a fever of 101.5,
I have troubling stomach issue as well, in addition to other chronic conditions, that have to getting worse.
This having to go to the hospital is wearing me out.
Wearing me out more are these acute episodes of not being able to breathe adequately.
Adding to this I have been feeling so sick, weak and totally, totally exhausted!
I have never been a good sleeper but, I have been finding myself sleeping a lot more, much more than is normal for me.
I pray that the doctors may find the answer to this acute health crisis.
I, also, pray that they will use the means necessary to treat this alarming health episode.
If this is the progression of my lung disease, or the result of any other of my medical condition(s), I pray God will give me the courage, strength and wisdom to continue fighting.
Now, I pray for rest!
Please keep me in your prayers and also pray, please, for all those fighting chronic health conditions.
With sincerity, love, hope and peace,
                    Evelyn Pinto
                   November 1, 2016


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