I love Meryl Streep for her achievements in the public eye and I did like her speech at the Golden Globes / 2017.
I live with disabilities myself and I do wish there were more inclusion into stuff for people with disabilities.
I pray one day there will be people with disabilities win at the Golden Globes, the Academy Awards and more people with disablities would accomplish greatness within themselves and the world.
The only way we all can make that happen is to take steps ourselves to be included.
Run for political office! Blog!
Be active on social media sights that tell of the person you are not because of your disabilities but, despite them! 
Write a book!
I know it takes a long time for me to get ready for the day.
I get weak and totally exhausted because of the physical  and medical disabilities I live with.
I do understand how it is more difficult to be a part of some stuff in Life.
It is not impossible, though!
My faith in God helps me and gives me purpose.
Without my belief in God and all He's done for me, I could not have gotten out of that deep hole I was in.
I definitely couldn't have achieved all I have without God in my life.
I find that success isn't having a high paying job and making tons of money.
Suceeding is doing all you can do but, also, being yourself and content and grateful for what you do have!
Success is also radiating joy and showing gratitude to God and to others!
I pray to God,  praise Him and tell him, through prayer, how grateful I am for all He's done for me in my life.
God is ever present in my life, helping me and giving me the courage and strength to endure, persevere and inspire!
My advice is to pray, ask for help when you need it, be content but don't settle, show gratitude and have fun!
                     Evelyn Pinto
                     January 11, 2017



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