I am a patient in the hospital.
I have pneumonia.
Last night, I was transported by ambulance to the ER.
By the time I arrived at the Emergency Room, I was fighting with a fever of 103.9
The doctors and nurses were fighting with me also, while giving me the care I so desperately needed last night.
I was treated with 3 IV antibiotics, fluids, medications and everything necessary to get that high fever down and stabilize my breathing and vital signs.
I am now somewhat stable, on a medical unit in the hospital I go for my medical care.
My vital signs continue to be monitored with a heart monitor attached to me.

It is now 7pm, hours later since I started this post.
I am still in the hospital recovering from this horrid pneumonia.
I am still being treated with a number of IV antibiotics, fluids and other medications and treatments.
I would like to thank the doctors, nurses, primary care assistants, the chaplains and everyone at this hospital, responsible for my care and treatment.
I would like to thank the many others who are praying for me.
I called out to Jesus last night, asking for help.
I remembering mentioning Jesus in the Emergency Room last night.
Jesus said He would always help me.
Jesus said He would never leave me.
Jesus kept His promises to me.
Thank you, friends, for your prayers.
Please continue to pray for me, my recovery from this pneumonia and for all those fighting health crisis.
                Evelyn Pinto
                July 24, 2017


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