My Testimony

Today I feel at peace with God, myself ad the world.
In my youth, I studied relentlessly, day and night, having the dream of being a doctor (ppediatrics). I'm middle aged and not a doctor. I'm at peace with this.
As a young woman, I thought I would marry and have lots of children. (I love children so, so much). I've never beed married or have never had any children. I'm finally at peace with this.
I'm begining to understand that God's purpose is not always mine. The places I have been and the place I am now is His purpose for me. I know God doesn't particularly send you where you want to be in life. He sends you where He needs you.
I'm nothing great or anything like that. I need help a lot. People, though, around me need me to show them The Love and Peace that only Jesus can bring.
From wherever I am, whatever state I am, my purpose and driveis to serve My Lord!
From wherever you are, whatever physical and/or emotioal state you are in, there's is the hope, the peace and the love of Jesus near you. Just keep holding on. I did a long time ago and Jesus entered my heart.
A friend told me: God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called!"  Evelyn Pinto


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