I, as a rule, don not like to talk about politics in my blog.
I feel that I "have" to say this:
No, I definitely do "not" want Donald Trump as president! 
Some say that Donald Trump says what everyone is thinking and  what everyone wants to say. That's so far from the truth!.
I do not, and would never say or think what this man says! 

What Donald Trumps calls people and how he describes people, I could never think or say.  It's bullying!

I, believing in the good in people. 
I also believe that most people could not think or say what Donald Trump has said!
I could just imagine Donald Trump , if he ever bought the presidency, with foreign diplomats.
I would like to remind Mr Trump, and his followers, that this country is a country made of immigrants. The only population that "do" have roots here is the American Indian.
I don't think Mr Trump is American Indian..
Mr Trump is more of an entertainer than anything else.
No, I would not  like someone who practices self love, buys whatever he wants (including people), shows himself as a flashy, ridiculous entertainer and is known for his bigotry, as president !

These are my views!
I would like to see, as president, a person that would give everyone of every color and race, a fair shake.
The protection of and free services to people who cannot protect themselves, whether they be this country's children, disabled, elderly, and  the  chronically ill. This would be vital, to me,  in deciding who would be the next president! 
I would love to see free education and free healthcare! 
Signed, a hopeful,
                                 Evelyn Pinto,
                                August 22, 2015


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