I have joy when I have an appreciation for life that makes like the child I once was or maybe  and still be that child. I am that child, just grown up with a lot more knowledge. I have the knowledge of the adult-me and the emotions of the child-me. There is one thing I will never give up at the expense of being a full grown-up adult, my imagination. When life gets really, really difficult for me I attack the problem-conflict -condition like I'm a Super Hero.! I am that Super Hero flying around using my supernatural powers to attack the medical conditions attacking my body. It's a tiring process but, the medicines  going through the IV's are really super potions invented by good magic and good magic always wins and it will always make me well.
Then my wheelchair wheels become wings as I soar through the air traveling through different realms and universes. It's an amazing feeling, knowing you can fly anywhere, amazing!  This life of being a Super Hero makes me invincible against threats and danger. It protects me. I feel wonder,joy,and believe I can fight and win against those super villains of my life. I am powerful! I am invincible I am Evelyn the Super Woman who will Always fight and Never give up! I am powerful! I am tired!!


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