I watch the news and start being depressed and how the news media portrays the world I listen to people around me where i eat a meal and see the bad side of people and at times act very badly. . It's easy to get into this negative frame of mind in which what you see and what you watch on the news becomes the reality of what life is. Friends, Life is not all that. That part of life is such a miniscule part of Life. Friends, Life is the child who is so innocent and trusting that she doesn't hold back in giving you all her love. Life is the person who slips you a ten dollar bill when you're out of coffee. Life is my mom letting me stay the night when I, being an adult for a long time, decide to run away from home to her.. Life is sunrises and sunsets. Life is Love. Life is God! Life is having faith that God taking care of me and everything! Life is good and God is good! God is good all the time!


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